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Hi, I'm Marina!

I currently study Computer Science and Media Arts & Design at the University of Chicago. As you might imagine from my fields of study, I'm fascinated by art, technology, and their various intersections.

Through art, I strive to combine elemental rhythms of various media to create and question provocations. In many of my pieces, I explore opposing forces, such as the contrasting cultures of my two home countries, Japan and the United States. Currently, I am interested in the creation of form using light in American art vs lines in Japanese art, and how this connects to religious and cultural ideologies in each region. You can see some of my projects, scroll through my progress as an artist, or take a glimpse into my sketchbooks.

In computer science, I am interested in human-computer interaction, algorithmic determinism, and privacy. Of course, these topics blend into my art directions (check out my privacy installation), and I also have specific interests that more explicitly relate to both art and technology, including generative art, creative coding, and the new age of the art industry in the light of growing digital art.

In addition to art and technology, I often find myself involved in publications, research, and digital marketing. Notably, over the summer of 2022, I researched the emergence of mycology (study of fungi) in Japan from the late 19th to early 20th century with my research mentor Brad Bolman. Feel free to look at my resume with my full experiences!

On a more personal note, I was born and raised in Atsugi, Japan, with roots in Tokyo, Okinawa, Southern California, and North Carolina. I've gone to several high schools that fostered my curiosity in computer science (notably Troy Tech in Fullerton, CA and North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in Durham, NC), my phone background is obscured by the Wikipedia widget, and I love cities with trains.

I'm still in the process of hand-coding this website to learn more about front-end designs. I'd love to hear feedback and advice on how to make the site cleaner! Please feel free to contact me via the contact page.